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"Be realistic, demand the impossible"
When France was occupied
As the occupy movement enters its second month, corporate media and much of the international left continue to observe from...more)
Occupy everything
Strategy and tactics of the Occupy movement
One of the most exciting things about the Occupy protests is the widespread discussion they have sparked, both within the...more)
Durban Climate Change summit: The time for talk is over
The UN Conference on Climate Change
“The more we talk about the need to control emissions, the more they are growing”: John Reilly, co-director of MIT’s...more)
Occupy, strike, resist
The Occupy movement begins...
In a year that began with revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt and that has seen general strikes rock Chile and...more)
Wheat Board battle heats up
Farmers challenge the Harper government
The struggle for control of Prairie grain marketing escalated on October 18, when the Conservative government tabled Bill C-18, the...more)
Israel hijacks aid ship, tasers activist
Canadians attempt to break the siege on Gaza
The Canadian Boat to Gaza made a second attempt in early November to deliver medical aid to Gaza and break...more)
Business as usual after historic prisoner swap
Israel frees prisoners, then returns to war crimes
Less than two weeks after Israel freed over 1,000 Palestinian political prisoners in exchange for a single Israeli soldier captured...more)
Chilean students and workers struggle together
The 2011 year of revolt arrives in Chile
Months before the Occupy Wall Street movement began in New York, a protest movement with similar motivations and goals was...more)
Pressure builds on Yemeni president
UN provides exit for Saleh
The UN Security Council has condemned violence in Yemen and supported a plan for the Yemeni president, Ali Abdullah Saleh,...more)
What next for Libya
The revolution in Libya is not finished
With the death of former leader Muammar Gaddafi, many Libyans who have engaged in a bitter fight with his brutal...more)
Syria: from protests to defection
The Syrian revolution continues
As the regime of Bashar al-Assad continues its crackdown on demonstrators, there is a rift opening up in the armed...more)
Palestine joins UNESCO, US withdraws funding
Palestine joins UNESCO
On October 31, Palestinians were granted full membership in the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). This comes...more)
Air Canada settlement a harbinger of ill times?
flight attendants under attack
In a potentially damaging and certainly disappointing settlement, flight attendants at Air Canada have had their bargaining rights disregarded and...more)
200,000 students strike in Quebec
Quebec students strike against tuition hikes
More than 200,000 university and CEGEP students in Quebec boycotted classes on November 9 in protest of tuition fee hikes...more)
Quebec politics in turmoil
What's behind the crisis in Quebec politics
The economic crisis is increasing the hatred of the Quebec Liberals and the crisis in the PQ, while creating a...more)
Vote like an Egyptian
We can beat Harper if we combine opposition inside Parliament with movements outside
The wind of change sweeping the world—from Egypt to Wisconsin—is filling the sails of the NDP and threatening to dash...more)
How can we aid Libya’s freedom movement?
With Gaddafi declaring his intention of reconquering the country in civil war, what can we in Canada do to end the killings?
The brutal massacres of civilians in Libya at the order of the country’s dictator, Muammar Qaddafi, have shocked the world...more)
Canada's imperial coalition: Conservatives and Liberals unite to back war
A look at the real coalition in Ottawa, backing war and imperialism
From Afghanistan to Libya, the Conservatives and Liberals have united to promote imperialism under the guise of “humanitarian intervention.” Since...more)
Lest we forget: anti-war soldiers
From world wars, to Vietnam, to Iraq, soldiers have resisted wars
Every great anti-war movement has included the soldiers themselves, who through their own experience begin to question the war and...more)
May Day: a history of resistance
The size and scope of events has been a barometer of the constant struggle for a better world.
For more than 120 years, workers of the world have united to celebrate May Day. The size and scope of...more)
Workers' Councils and the Revolutionary Party
Marxism No. 1, 2003 The workers’ council is the essential institution of a working class movement that seeks to replace...more)
Marxism and the Environment
Marxism No. 1, 2003 There is a range of critical interpretation of Karl Marx’s work on the question of the...more)
Imperialism and War
Marxism No. 1, 2003 A new left is developing in Canada and internationally. In 1999, the generation of Seattle refused...more)
Aboriginal Rights: The Backlash and Socialist Strategy
Marxism No. 1, 2003 Recently in Canada, there has been an organized racist backlash against the struggles of aboriginal people...more)
Autonomism: The Politics of Antonio Negri
Marxism No. 1, 2003 A new mass movement has arisen since the 1999 anti-World Trade Organization (WTO) protests in Seattle...more)


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