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Victory for Janitors in BC!
Justice 4 Janitors reaches new deal in city-wide bargaining
More than 2500 SEIU workers in BC have won significant gains in an historic fight. The workers have been jointly...more)
The far-right and Islam
We fight against Islamophobia anti-2SLGBTQ+ hate
At a recent confrontation in Ottawa, far-right bigots attempted to protest a number of schools supporting 2SLGBTQ+ rights. They were...more)
International student workers occupy and win!
The fight is not over and further solidarity may be needed
Hundreds of students faced with deportation have been occupying the CBSA site on Airport road for more than 2 weeks...more)
Protect Trans students - the fight for policy 713 in New Brunswick
Sign the petition and join the fight
The Government of New Brunswick has made changes to policy 713, which protects sexual and gender nonconforming students in schools...more)
#StatusCodeRed - Toronto paramedics fight underfunding
Support the campaign - links in article
Toronto paramedic services are suffering from a lack of staff and lack of ambulances, and it is dramatically affecting services...more)
RCMP 150: a history of racism and violence
On May 15, the broken body of a 15-year-old Quw’utsun Mustimuhw girl was found behind a Super-8 Motel in the...more)
Hundreds of thousands say no to Ford’s healthcare privatization
How can this mass poll be the foundation of a new movement?
Across Ontario, more than 400,000 people voted in a people’s referendum on the question of privatizing healthcare. The vote was...more)
Workers at Casino Woodbine fight and win
Strong pickets shut down the casino and paved the way to a win
On May 8th, over 800 workers at Casino Woodbine, represented by the Public Service Alliance of Canada, were locked out...more)
Alberta Election: Far right holds on to its prairie stronghold
In the end it wasn’t even close. Danielle Smith’s far-right UCP kicked the ANDP to the kerb, winning a clear...more)
Reflection on elections in Turkey: there is no short-cut to defeat the AKP-MHP alliance and Erdogan for the working class.
The run-off presidential elections in Turkey on May 28th ended with the victory of the incumbent Recep Tayyip Erdogan, with...more)
Alberta’s Far-right planning voter intimidation
Alberta's far-right plans to follow a long tradition of voter intimidation in the upcoming provincial election. This tactic has been...more)
2SLGBTQ+ Community mobilizing to fight hate
Army of Lovers preparing to hit the streets
The 519 (Church St Community Centre) has been a hub for LGBTQ2S+ support and advocacy since the mid 1970’s in...more)
Stop the far-right campaign against trans and non-binary people!
Anti-trans hatred is one of the two pillars of far-right mobilization today, the other one still being anti-refugee hatred, which...more)
Alberta election: danger ahead
Danielle Smith and her far-right UCP gang have declared their true colours. They want to convert Alberta into a semi-autonomous...more)
Charge Imperial Oil for cover-up of toxic tar sands tailings leak
The takings leak went on for 9 months before anyone was told
Kept in the dark about toxic tar sands “tailings” leaking from the Imperial Oil Kearl facility for 9 months, northern...more)
Ford proposes return of blood sports
It is well known that Tory politicians like Doug Ford want to turn back the clock on social progress. But...more)
On May 26 and 27: vote for public healthcare
Ford's privatization plan can be beaten
Ontario Premier Doug Ford’s privatization of hospital services poses an existential threat to medicare. The Ford government is moving full...more)
Disorganization and denial: UCP response to wildfire disaster
(Photo above: UCP supporters will believe the silliest conspiracy theories rather than the plain truth: This is climate change in...more)
Stop the war - Victory to the Sudanese Revolution!
International Socialist Tendency Statement on the war in Sudan Once again war is ripping apart the lives of millions. A...more)
PSAC Strike: It's right to escalate
Victory in the PSAC strike can raise the horizons of all workers
pic: PSAC As the PSAC strike of more than 150,000 federal public sector workers enters its second week, the union...more)
Langara campaign to kick RBC off campus
Solidarity with Wet'suwet'en Land Defenders
The Royal Bank of Canada is the fifth largest investor in fossil fuels in the world. Our only hope in...more)
Workers' power can beat the bosses attacks
Millions of workers are fighting for decent jobs around the globe
We are seeing working class revolts in France, Greece, the United Kingdom and other areas of the globe. Educators in...more)
Federal government workers are on strike: “We can take on the employer and win”
Interview with Alex Silas, Regional Executive Vice-President, Public Service Alliance of Canada
This interview was done days before the PSAC strke began. To find a picket line and support the strike see...more)
Ford's Bill 60 will gut public hospitals
Join the fight to save public healthcare
Premier Doug Ford's Bill 60, sweeping legislation that will dramatically accelerate the destruction of public healthcare in Ontario, is being...more)
Working class people in Hamilton fight greedy landlords
Interview with long time anti-poverty and tenant organizer, David Galvin
Working class people in Hamilton have been facing a deepening housing crisis over the past decade. Recent reports show that...more)


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