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The latest report by the The International Panel on Climate Change shows conclusively that climate change is real and getting worse.
Help build solidarity for the indigenous-led resistance to fracking
Another wave of anti-austerity protests is sweeping Sudan
The release of Tarek and John is a victory for the causes they represent and the mass campaign that supported them
Despite Harper's silent complicity, there's a growing campaing demanding the release of Tarek and John
United protests contradict the common analysis by Western governments that the rebellion in Bahrain is "sectarian" in nature.
We need to build a partnership between the labour and environmental movements, not the Liberals
Israel wants to displace a further 30,000 Bedouins, demolishing their villages.
In response to the austerity agenda that is ravaging their lives, people with disabilities are rising up.
Protests continue against the Western-backed Libyan regime.


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