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Smash racism! How did Greek anti-fascists take down Nazi Golden Dawn?


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Smash racism!
How did Greek anti-fascists take down Nazi Golden Dawn?

With special guest speaker:
Petros Constantinou - Athens city councillor and coordinator of Keerfa -  the United Movement Against Racism and the Fascist Threat in Greece

Sunday, October 25

1:00 pm eastern
10:00 am pacific

The Greek fascist organization Golden Dawn was recently declared a criminal organization and has been shut down. This is a great victory for anti-racist forces globally but it would not have happened without the mobilization of thousands of anti-fascists. Hear from the coordinator of KEERFA the anti-fascist movement about how they were able to shut down one of the largest fascist groups in Europe.

Zoom info

Meeting ID: 813 5586 1235
Passcode: 568989
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Sunday, October 25, 2020 - 13:00
Organized by: 
International Socialists

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