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What is International Socialism?


Vancouver Vancouver , BC
British Columbia CA

7PM PDT, Wednesday November 3 via zoom

Socialism is a label used by many people in many different ways. Some see socialism in one-party states where a small group within the party runs the state and the economy. Others see any state-run enterprises as socialist. Countries with broad public education and healthcare systems are labeled as socialist both by their defenders and detractors.

The International Socialists have always stuck to the most revolutionary meaning of the term. Socialism is the complete destruction of all the institutions of the state by a revolutionary movement involving the vast majority. Only by participating in building a new completely democratic society and economy can we overcome and end racism, sexism, homophobia and all oppression, as well as eliminating the poverty and violence that capitalism requires to survive. The goal of socialists is the end of all oppression and exploitation. The method is working class revolution.

That definition has been overshadowed by reformist electoral projects on one hand, and  Stalinist one-party states on the other.

Join the Vancouver branch of the International Socialists for a reading group looking at the pamphlet, What is the Real Marxist Tradition available as a webpage, epub, mobi and pdf.

And here are a couple of related videos: What is the real International Socialist tradition?  and  To Your Left #4: Socialists my ass! | على شمالك: اشتراكيين مين؟!  


Zoom details

What is International Socialism?
Time: Nov 3, 2021 07:00 PM Vancouver

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Wednesday, November 3, 2021 - 19:00
Organized by: 
Vancouver Branch of the International Socialists

Featured Event



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