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Strike Action and Climate Justice


Online via Zoom Vancouver , BC
British Columbia CA

Across Turtle Island there has been an increase in the number of strikes over the last year. Workers who were praised for working through the pandemic are now asked for concessions while their employers are raking in huge profits. In many cases, striking workers have won considerable gains from their employer. At the same time, politicians from all parties are sticking to counter-posing jobs vs the environment, to protect profits. As work place strikes increase, more and more workers will see the value of strike action to get their demands. If workers take on climate justice as a demand dramatic progress is possible.

Join us for a discussion of how and why more and more workers are striking and how this could build a successful climate justice movement.

Monday January 31, 6PM PST | 9PM EST



Pam Johnson is a trade union activist, dancer/choreographer, and member of the Toronto West branch of the International Socialists.

Bradley Hughes teaches physics, is a member of the International Socialists and a frequent contributor to on climate justice issues.



 Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 839 8112 3192

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Monday, January 31, 2022 - 18:00
Organized by: 
Vancouver Branch of the International Socialists

Featured Event


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