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The religious accommodation debate: From the Quebec Charter to York University


441 Student Centre, York University Toronto , ON
Ontario CA

In early January, a massive debate erupted at York University over a request for religious accommodation by a student who didn't want to interact publicly with female students.

There have been many responses to the request. Some condemn York as sexist for trying to accommodate it. Others go further, opposing all forms of accommodation. Some responses have been racist, blaming immigrants and racialized communities.

How should socialists and the left respond?

How does the York debate relate to Quebec's Charter of Values? What's behind the backlash against accommodation?

This discussion will be introduced by Chantal Sundaram, a member of the International Socialists in Ottawa.

Everyone is welcome! Please RSVP to or join on Facebook.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014 - 17:30
Organized by: 
York International Socialists

Featured Event



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