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High debt. Low wages. No future? Is there an alternative to capitalism?


Room 307, Student Centre, York University Toronto , ON
Ontario CA

Students in Ontario pay the highest tuition fees in Canada, face mountains of debt, and hold down low-wage jobs - just to stay in school. Even after graduation, there are hardly any jobs, and even fewer that pay well or are unionized.

Is this the future for students under capitalism? Is there an alternative?

Join us for a one-day conference at York that looks at how capitalism benefits from high student debt and low-wage jobs, and how students can be part of the struggle for free tuition, a living wage, good jobs and a better future.

Register now!


11:30am Registration

12pm Opening meeting: The case for a $14 minimum wage

1:15pm Break

1:30pm Meetings 2 & 3 (choose one)
How can we win free tuition?
- or -
Racism, sexism and the war on women

2:45pm Break

3pm Meetings 4 & 5 (choose one)
A brief history of neoliberalism
- or -
'Retail workers of the world, unite!' Resistance in the service sector

4:15pm Break

4:30pm Closing meeting: How does the 1% stay in power?

Saturday, March 1, 2014 - 15:00 to 21:00
Organized by: 
York International Socialists

Featured Event



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