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Class struggle is back! Eyewitness report from the UK strike wave


zoom Toronto , ON
Ontario CA
Public forum:
Class struggle is back!: Eyewitness report from the UK strike wave 
Wednesday September 14th, 6:30pm
Thousands of UK workers have gone on strike in the past two months in the acute squeeze of rapid inflation. Rail workers, postal workers, dockers, telecom workers and bus drivers have stepped on to the picket line demanding fair wages, benefits and working conditions. While employers made massive profits during the pandemic, they are refusing any of these gains to the workers who held down the front lines. Workers are saying enough. Join us for a first hand account.
Speaker: Mark Thomas, is a national Workplace and Trade Union organiser for the Socialist Workers Party in Britain and a member of International Socialism Journal editorial board.
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Meeting ID: 820 4281 8251
Organized by the Toronto West branch of the International Socialists
Wednesday, September 14, 2022 - 18:30
Organized by: 
Toronto West International Socialists

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