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Fuck the system - Why you should be a socialist


427 Bloor St West Toronto , ON
Ontario CA
Fuck the system
Why you should be a socialist
Sunday, November 13 | 1pm eastern | 10 am pacific
427 Bloor St west, Toronto and on zoom
Capitalism is wrecking the planet the lives of billions of working people. The system is bringing us perpetual war, mass species extinction, climate collapse, inequality, a cost of living crisi, racism and oppression. 
All the while, the rich make more money than they could ever spend in a lifetime by stealing the fruits of workers labour. This is not an accident – it is the result of a system that prizes profit for a small minority above all else. The system isn’t broken – it was built this way.
But what can we do to stop the destruction? What are the strategies that socialists can use to create revolutionary change?
Join us for this discussion to learn more about how we can get together and collectively end the brutality of capitalism once and for all. 
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 861 8611 1925
Passcode: 761161
One tap mobile
Meeting ID: 861 8611 1925
Sunday, November 13, 2022 - 13:00
Organized by: 
International Socialists

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