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Baristas Rise Up: organizing the low wage service sector
Baristas in Halifax show how to organize in the low wage service sector
The union movement in Canada faces a number of challenges. Not only has the economic crisis given the excuse to...more
The police: serving and protecting the 1%
The pollice serve to perpetuate oppression and maintain inequality
With the recent shooting of 18-year old Sammy Yatim in Toronto, the whole question of the role of police in...more
Join the third annual Toronto Disability Pride March
Be loud, be proud, and come march with us on October 5
As summer draws to a close, the time is once again approaching for another Toronto Disability Pride March. Since 2011,...more
Socialism and Islam
How do we explain Islamist organizations and how can we best show solidarity with those resisting Western imperialism?
It’s been a dozen years since the “war on terror” and two years since the start of the Arab Spring—including...more
Ontario Common Front assembly draws hundreds against austerity
250 activist met to strategize against austerity
Ontario Common Front general assembly helps foster community-labour alliances. Over the course of Monday, August 19, over 250 activists participated...more
A brief history of neoliberalism part 1
What is neoliberalism and why did it emerge?
The economic period since the 1970’s has been referred to generally as the neo-liberal period both by the right and...more
Tunisia: ongoing revolution
The Tunisian revolution continues to demand social and economic equality
Prominent Tunisian opposition leader and member of the People Movement Party, Mohamed Brahmi, was assassinated in front of his home...more
PowerShift comes to British Columbia
Join the PowerShift conference to help build the climate justice movement in BC
This October over a thousand youth will converge on Victoria BC for PowerShift 2013. In the words of the organizers,...more
Bees dying for profits
Honey bees
Capitalist agricuture is threatening the bees that polinate crops
Over the winter of 2012 – 2013, forty to fifty percent of American beekeepers' hives were destroyed by colony collapse...more
Invasion of the sea squirts
Sea squirts from NOAA photo library
A tiny invasive species is devestating Nova Scotia mussel farms
The Maritime mussel aquaculture industry is in crisis. Some mussel farmers have seen production cut by up to 90 percent...more


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