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West coast salmon stocks dwindle
Capitalism is destroying our shared planet
As the proposed Enbridge pipeline project threatens much of the west coast’s beautiful natural landscapes and habitats, the salmon are...more
The Toledo Auto-Lite strike of 1934
lessons from history on workers' resistance
The Toledo Auto-Lite strike is a valuable piece of working-class history. Workers, the unemployed and the Toledo community united to...more
Rank-and-file workers inspire
Rank-and-file resistance
Chicago teachers have shown that public sector workers can take a stand against concessions and the austerity agenda and win...more
College teachers: good deal or bad deal?
an opportunity to build
College teachers in Ontario with a contract ending on August 31 looked like they would be getting the same hammering...more
My Leaky Body: health care humanized
A medical and artistic journey
Writer/activist Julie Devaney has dealt with serious health issues, and resultant experiences with the health care system, most of her...more
Solidarity against McGuinty’s attacks on teachers
Kill Bill 115
Chanting “Kill the Bill,” hundreds of high school students in Ottawa walked out of class and headed over to Dalton...more
Solidarity against McGuinty’s attacks on teachers
Kill Bill 115
Chanting “Kill the Bill,” hundreds of high school students in Ottawa walked out of class and headed over to Dalton...more
Statement by the Revolutionary Socialists in Egypt on the anti-Islam video protests
Against sectarianism and imperialism
The Revolutionary Socialists Movement affirms its complete rejection of all attacks on religious sites and symbols, whether Muslim or Christian...more
September 11 and Islamophobia
Bring Omar home, kick racists out
The evening of September 11, 2012 saw a handful of Jewish Defence League (JDL) members—and a slew of their rent-a-thug...more
Will BC refinery answer concerns over Enbridge pipeline?
"Local" oil production is a tarry herring
Does the NDP’s support for oil refineries as a means of job creation play into the proposal by BC media...more


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