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The Egyptian revolution continues
Interview with leading member of the Egyptian Revolutionary Socialists
Leading Egyptian activist discusses current state of the Egyptian revolution following the latest revolt in Tahrir Square this past November, arguably the fiercest and most important display of popular resistance to the ruling military regime Since the fall of Mubarakmore
Canadian colonialism lives on in Attawapiskat
The most recent blatant example of Canadian colonialism
Canada has a long history of oppressing First Nations people; Attawapiskat is another example that colonialism is alive and well, and it represents another in a long list of reasons why it is vitally important for socialists to organize in solidarity with First Nations people everywhere.more
Another (renewable) energy is possible
There are real alternatives to fossil fuels.
Bradley Hughes Reviews Robin Macqueen's lecture on renewable energy. The problems of finite resources, energy poverty and climate change can, and must, be addressed with real technological alternatives.more
People with disabilities unite and fight back
Disability activists link up with other struggles to fight back and build another world
The Occupy movement has opened up new avenues for people to struggle against Austerity. Disability activists, those hardest hit by the cuts, are trying to connect their struggle to the broader movement against Austerity and fightback.more
Pro-democracy Protestors in Eastern Saudi Arabia Find their Way in the Streets
The Arab Spring in Saudi Arabia
There is no "humanitarian intervention" in Saudi Arabia, the Western-backed dictatorship which has been shooting protesters in the streets.more
Arab Spring continues as Yemeni President is forced from power
The Arab Spring topples another dictator
While protests have forced the Yemeni dictator from power, the West and its allies in the region are trying to contain the revoltmore
Pipeline ethics: profit is god
unethical oil
The movement on both sides of the Canada/US border to stop the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline can measure its strength by the massive, multi-million dollar corporate ad campaign designed to sell the public on the project.more
Mobilizing can stop the Tories
Anti-Ford movement stops Hudak
While sustained protests against Ford derailed Hudak's campaign for Ontario Premier, the NDP missed the wave by campaigning to the centre. The movement will need to continue outside the legislature.more
Pipelines and poverty kill in Kenya
The human price of oil
On September 12 a leaking oil pipeline passing through the densely populated Sinai slum in Kenya exploded, killing more than...more
BP returns for more profits and pollution
BP is back in the Gulf Coast
BP has filed applications to drill new deep-water wells in the Gulf of Mexico. The applications came just one week...more


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