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Civil liberties

Immigration: myths, misconceptions, and toxic rhetoric

September 16, 2024 - Umang Chokshi

Trump and the US empire's political violence

July 15, 2024

Housefather, horsefeathers, and Genocide cheerleading

December 21, 2023 - LEFT JAB by John Bell

Anti-semitism, Zionism and Socialism

November 29, 2023 - Peter Votsch

From India to Canada: The Global Reach of Hindutva Extremism

September 21, 2023 - Mathew Edassery

International student workers occupy and win!

June 16, 2023 - Prerna Subramanian

Graduate workers and students in Ontario refuse to be “squarely in red.”

March 22, 2023 - Canan Sahin

Cops and property developers win big in Vancouver election

January 24, 2023 - Bradley Hughes

More police will only bring more violence to Vancouver

January 24, 2023 - Jeffrey Hogan

John Tory - SuperMayor wants more cops

January 2, 2023 - John Bell

Quebec: Cops and racism, CAQ style

November 29, 2022 - John Bell

Alberta’s UCP: smash and grab government

November 27, 2022 - John Bell

Migrant Students in Canada: An organizing force to be reckoned with

November 17, 2022 - Prerna Subramanian

COP27 meetings will not bring Climate Justice.

November 11, 2022 - Brian Champ

Education workers defy anti-strike law, force Tory backdown

November 8, 2022

Ford mum on meeting with far-right president

November 3, 2022 - John Bell

Support Ontario education workers!

November 2, 2022 - Peter Votsch, CUPE retiree

Brazil elections: Bolsonaro, Lula and the left

September 22, 2022 - Sean Purdy - independent socialist, São Paulo

Homeless and under attack

November 29, 2021 - John Bell

Support students who walked out for Palestine - Stop the attacks on free speech!

November 16, 2021


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