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Civil liberties

Resistance returns to Iran

February 28, 2018 - Soraya Sh

Justice for Colten Boushie and Tina Fontaine

February 24, 2018 - Valerie Lannon

The spirit of Attica

February 21, 2018 - Alex Kerner

Net neutrality repealed

December 27, 2017 - Kevin Taghabon

Trump: year one

December 15, 2017 - David Bush

No deportations to torture: let Harkat stay

December 15, 2017 - Chantal Sundaram

Movie review: the Florida Project

November 21, 2017 - Valerie Lannon

Challenging Quebec’s niqab law: no to Islamophobia, no to Quebec bashing

November 2, 2017 - Chantal Sundaram, Alia Karim and Peter Hogarth

Journalistic Sources Protection Act passes in Parliament

October 27, 2017 - Kevin Taghabon

Egypt’s rainbow raids

October 16, 2017 - Hossam El-Hamalawy

Berlin counter-protesters stop Nazi march

August 21, 2017 - Samantha Connolly

Right-wing terrorism strikes Charlottesville

August 13, 2017

Interview: Sarah Leonard on socialism in America

August 12, 2017

Why we say: no platform for fascists

August 1, 2017 - John Bell

Hands off Omar Khadr

July 11, 2017 - John Bell

A people's history of Canada

June 29, 2017 - Jesse McLaren

Sexual liberation and the Russian revolution – 100 years on

June 21, 2017 - Faline Bobier

After Manchester attack—don't let right exploit horror

May 25, 2017

Interview: Niki Ashton on running for NDP leader

May 15, 2017

What is fascism and how do we fight it?

May 3, 2017 - Faline Bobier


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