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The Saudi government arrests Egyptian activist
The pro-West Saudi regime targets another activist
Ahmed El Gizawy, an Egyptian lawyer and activist has been detained in Saudi Arabia and is now subject to 20...more
Crown suffers partial defeat in Harkat case
One step forward, but many more needed for justice
After nearly ten years, Mohamed Harkat has won another partial victory from the crown in his security certificate case. While...more
Bahrain: F1 races over blood
The regime can't distract from its attacks
Despite the brutal ongoing crackdown against pro-democracy protestors, Bahrain—home of the United States’ Fifth Fleet—staged the Formula 1 Grand Prix...more
Vancouver’s progressive Earth Day celebration
Earth Day targets Enbridge
On a sunny April 22, thousands marched to Vancouver’s Earth Day celebrations at Commercial Drive’s Grandview Park. The message of...more
Tar Sands superman
Canada: the Saudi Arabia of the 21st century?
Harper's addiction to tar sands is leading to crackdowns on environmental groups.more
Le printemps érable
The Arab Spring arrives in Quebec
Forty-four years ago students in Quebec went on strike for the first time. Inspired by events in Paris that same...more
Ontario budget
How to miss the Orange Wave and the Occupy movement
After students occupied and workers demonstrated against austerity, the Ontario NDP have supported McGuinty’s budget and missed a chance to...more
US presidential candidates in fealty to the tax-dodging 1%
The evil of two lessers
Obama and Romney are united: strengthening corporate rule of the country, stealing money out of the ever-shrinking wallets of working people to give to the 1% in the form of tax breaks, committing war crimes against several Middle East nations while stoking a fear of terrorism among their own people, and continuing their crusade to crush the working class through decreased wages and austerity cuts to essential social programs.more
A time for solidarity
walk for peace, respect and friendship
We must stand in solidarity with the Haudenosaunee by building stronger ties with the First Nations community—through learning about their struggle and raising awareness, and by joining the long standing resistance against colonialism.more
Gearing up for Pride!
Get ready to celebrate and demonstrate
It’s Pride season in Toronto! Pride week this year is June 21 to July 1. The theme “Celebrate and Demonstrate”...more


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