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On Earth Day, say no to war
no war, no warming
April 22 is Earth Day, which has become a global event raising awareness about the importance of environmental protection. Earth Day began in 1970 in the US, in the context of the Vietnam anti-war movement, and to protect the environment we need to end war and militarism.more
How do we build a movement against war on Iran?
No sanctions, no war: don't attack Iran
As the prospect of a war with Iran increases, it is important to remember the lessons from the Iraq anti-war movement and to build the broadest possible opposition in Canada.more
How do we support resistance in Iran?
Help Iranians, by not bombing them
Iranians have long been struggling for justice, against the US-backed Shah, then against the current regime. The best way to support their struggle for peace and freedom is by stopping our own government from imposing sanctions and war.more
Quebec Spring
Printemps erable
On March 31, 8,000 people—including workers from across Quebec, Canada, and the world, and striking Quebec students—converged in Alma, Quebec...more
BC teachers fight to protect public eduction
educators defend education
The mediator appointed by the BC Liberals to work out a deal between teachers and the government has a history...more
Food service workers rising
support food service workers
Unite Here local 75, representing hotel and hospitality workers in the Greater Toronto Area, currently has more than 500 campus...more
students occupying Glen Murray's office
Occupy accessible education!
As McGuinty breaks his election promise and raises tuition, students from across Toronto occupied his office in protest, with support from labour allies outside. Max Baru Reports from inside the occupation.more
Inside the Ontario Austerity budget
Mike Harris 2.0
Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty wants to continue the Mike Harris agenda with massive cuts to social assistance, public services and workers rights. With the NDP accomodating to Austerity, it's key to mobilize for the April 21 day of action against Austerity.more
Anti-racist feminism
The ongoing contributions of anti-racist feminists
The women's movement of the 1960s and 1970s developed in the context of mass movements of protest, including the black civil rights movement and opposition to the war on Vietnam. These movements were young, diverse and often fragmented, but generated considerable influence in theory and practice.more
Toronto library workers show that sometimes it's better to fight than to run away
Toronto library workers push back against Austerity
Toronto Public Library workers ended a ten-day strike recently, scoring a significantly better contract then their brothers and sisters in...more


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