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Rediscovering rank-and-file resistance
Wildcat strike!
As workers come up against the limits of social democracy and the trade union bureaucracy, some are starting to rediscover radical tactics to challenge the 1%.more
support Toronto library/city workers
Support libraries by supporting library workers
Rob Ford is trying to push through his unpopular cuts to libraries by attacking library workers. It's time to support those who provide public services.more
Activists occupy Lisa Raitt's office in response to attack on Air Canada workers
inside the occupation of Lisa Raitt's office
As Air Canada workers were on wildcat strike after being suspended for slow-clapping Lisa Raitt, labour activists occupied Lisa Raitt's...more
Egyptian military cracks down on activists
The Egyptian counter-revolution
SCAF, defenders of the old regime, are attacking key activists of the Egyptian revolution.more
Anti-Flag's new album inspired by a year of revolt
an unrelenting musical attack on neoliberalism
Inspired by the Arab Spring and the Occupy movement, Anti-Flag ads the sound of punk to the year of revolt.more
Wrecking Ball
occupy music!
Inspired by the Occupy movement, Bruce Springsteen's new album brings together struggles past and present to show the continuity of resistance.more
Zimbabwe activists in danger of unlawful prison sentences
Help free the Zimbabwe 6
Six activists in Zimbabwe have been found guilty of trumped-up charges. Solidarity is urgent. Here's how you can help.more
Afghan civilians massacred by occupation
The bloody result of occupation
The brutal killing of 16 Afghan civilians in their sleep is the inevitable result of military occupation. It was greeted with protests around the world demanding an end to occupation.more
Legislation and illegal strikes
What have strikes ever done for us?
As BC teachers organize against Bill 22 and consider strike action, BC teacher Tara Ehrcke looks at the long history of strikes--both legal and illegal--that have been central to winning basic reforms.more
Eulogy for Madeleine Parent
She went out fighting
Montreal poet David Fennario recalls his experience with one of Quebec's leading trade union and women's rights activists.more


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