Baba Aye, a Deputy National Secretary of the Labour Party and National Chairperson of the Socialist Workers League, discusses the significance of the general strike.more
Feb. 1 is a key date in the calendar of student Activism
As the 1% tries to make students and workers pay for the economic crisis, people around the world are fighting back. On February 1 students across Canada will be mobilizing to demand accessible education for the 99%.more
In 2005 nearly a quarter of a million Quebec students went on strike and defeated the government's cuts to education. Facing new Austerity measures, Quebec students are again striking, offering lessons for campus organizing across Canada.more
Supporting Quebec's right to self-determination is key to challenging Canada's 1%
The strength of the Quebec left is grounded in its history of mass participation against both capitalism and the oppressive, colonial practices of the federal state. While some sections of the English Canadian left have embraced this legacy, it is an uneven process.more
The perceived division between the needs of workers, the 99%, and the need to solve our many environmental crises, only benefits the 1%. We all need to overcome these divisions, and this book can help.more
By putting these two words together in his book Imperialist Canada, Toronto author and activist Todd Gordon has provided us with a compelling and important analysis of Canada's place in the world system.more