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CUPE Ontario convention 2024 – continuing the struggle
Approximately 1200 delegates recently attended the CUPE Ontario Division convention that took place in Toronto from May 28 to June...more
Tax rich polluters for a just transition
In 2015 when Trudeau came to power there was a sense of relief for many that the Harper era was...more
Election in India: Modi loses majority
The BJP landslide didn't happen this time
On June 4th, people in India were glued to their seats as election results were being announced for the 2024...more
Stop gas plant expansion
Doug Ford is set to increase emissions dramatically in Ontario
On May 15th a packed house attended a public forum at the Ralph Thornton Community Centre in South Riverdale on...more
Nurses and other Quebec unions slam the CAQ
With the criminal dismantling of Ontario’s public healthcare system by Doug Ford, the stand by Quebec unions against Ford’s counterpart...more
Bird flu: capitalism drives more deadly pandemics
Factory farm
Agribusiness is breeding the next pandemic
Recent headlines on the accelerating transmission of Avian flu from birds to mammals, including to humans, are rightly causing alarm...more
PSAC 610 strike shows strong results of union solidarity at Western
On Friday, April 11, Western’s campus and the city of London saw the beginning of an 18-day strike by the...more
Climate chaos fuelling Alberta wildfires
While regions closer to the equator have borne the brunt of the climate crisis, once again the devastation is being...more
Civil War provides no answers to the current political crisis
There have been a lot of superlatives for British director Alex Garland’s new movie Civil War. As the title tells...more
Growing labour support for Palestine encampments
On Monday May 6th, just days after the establishment of the Peoples Circle for Palestine encampment on King's College Circle...more


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